Henry Fitzroy is one of the central protagonists of the television series Blood Ties. He is a vampire and successful comic book artist who is almost 500 years old and works with private detective Vicki Nelson to investigate crimes involving the supernatural.
Early life[]
Henry is the son of Henry VIII who met and fell in love with Christina, a vampire. In order to be with her forever and enjoy the exciting life she 'lived', he begged her to turn him into a vampire. She obliged and for the next year, taught him the ways of the vampire and most importantly, how to resist the urge to kill the people he drains. However, their love affair was short-lived, as she caught him hunting in her area which caused a rift between them.
Throughout Blood Ties[]
Henry is investigated a serial killer publicly believed to be a 'vampire' and needs to put a stop to him before he draws even more attention to his species, which puts him in the path of Vicki who is doing her own sleuthing.
He confides in her the truth about who he is and his connection to the demon and they start to bond, especially when he is gravely injured in a fight and must feed on her to survive. He awakes and uses dark magic to track down the human who summoned the Demonic entity. He saves Vicki when she is kidnapped by Norman and sends the Demon Lord back to the shadows. He is visibly worried when Vicki has demonic symbols on her wrists after the encounter.
Their next case involved voodoo magic and the two bond when he confides in her about his past lover, Sandrine, who was sacrificed by a dark voodoo ritual that transformed her into a zombie and thus, he has a strong hatred for voodoo.
Mike becomes suspicious of Henry and begins to investigate him, although the pair are forced to work together to save Vicki which is when Mike sees what Henry truly is and confronts Vicki over the truth about their partnership.
When a woman ends up dead and drained of her blood, Mike suspects it was Henry and is convinced to hand him over to Javier Mendoza. He accepts and Henry is captured by the vampire hunter.
He is held captive, tortured and starved by Javier, who also wants revenge since Henry turned his love Maria almost 400 years ago. Henry is mentally defeated but is rescued by Vicki and Mike. In his animalistic vampire rage he lashes out at Vicki but manages to restrain himself and instead, kills Javier instead.
He continues his flirtatious relationship with Vicki and doesn't hide his infatuation with her but she continuously rejects his advances. The pair bond over their different views on love and relationships and he tries to get Vicki to loosen up.
When Norman Bridewell escapes hell, he tries to assemble the ritualistic objects needed to summon Astaroth. He shape shifts into Vicki and seduces Henry, attempting to get the demonic dagger from him. He grows impatient and battles with Henry, although he holds back thinking it's just Vicki possessed.
He helps the real Vicki defeat Norman and he is sent back to hell. Henry promises to destroy the objects once and for all and also, never to speak of kissing Norman ever again.
Henry continues to work with Vicki and this time, becomes much more involved in her cases, spending more and more time in her office to work on the strange and supernatural.
Things get complicated when he finds the dead body of a model at his doorstep and he fears another vampire is stepping into his territory. To keep Vicki safe, he goes to Mike for help in finding out who it is. Vicki is angered by his reluctance to get her involved. Henry soon realises who the culprit may be ... Christina.
When another body, ravaged by a vampire turns up, Christina appears in his bedroom and tells her she isn't the one responsible but it's a young vampire stalking her. Henry, fearful of their sharing of the territory which has spelt trouble in the past, tells her he'll help but only if she promises to leave.
Vicki tries to warn Henry that Christina can't be trusted but he claims he knows her. They argue but the truth is revealed by the young vampire, Alexander, who tells him Christina forcefully turned him into a vampire. He confronts her after she tries to attack Vicki and saves her from Christina's jealous wrath. He threatens Christina to leave and never return and that Vicki is his "future" while she was his past.
Sometime later, Henry starts to experience dreams .. which doesn't happen to vampires and he feels true death is approaching him. To save his life from the sorcerer Pacha Kamaq, Vicki stabs Henry and incapacitates him while she steals his blood for a dark magic ritual. Henry begs her not to but she imbues herself with magic to face and defeat the sorcerer. Henry is deeply betrayed and doesn't know how he can trust Vicki again, especially since she used his blood in dark magic which he is strongly against.
They reach better terms but their relationship as they know it becomes strained. Even to the point where Henry goes to his old friend Augustus, whose family have helped him relocate with new identities for generations - and plans to go to Vancouver or Seattle.
Vicki asks Henry for help when Coreen is possessed by the demon Astaroth. He manages to track him down, knock him out and tie Coreen's body to the bed in his penthouse. Astaroth tries to bargain for his full-freedom in the real world and taunts Henry. He offers him the chance to make him human again, as he knows its the only way he can truly be with Vicki and start a family. Henry counter-offers with the proposal he leaves Vicki alone, but Astaroth rejects his only bargaining chip.
With the help of Henry's friend Father Cascioli they manage to free Coreen but the priest is now possessed by him. Henry fights Astaroth but is impaled on the ground by a sword. Astaroth leaves to wreak havoc in the city.
Henry recovers from his injuries and tells Vicki he must leave Toronto as it's become too dangerous. He asks her to come with him. Vicki says she has always wanted to say yes to him but even now, she can't run away. Mike interrupts upon seeing their moment together and says goodbye to Vicki, telling her he can't be apart of her world anymore.
Henry tries to comfort Vicki but she tells him that she chooses Mike and has to fix things with him since she only has one life with him, unlike Henry who has several more to come. Henry, now heartbroken, says "so be it" and leaves.Physical Appearance[]
He is conventionally handsome, with a defined jaw and intense, dark eyes, which are jet black when using his vampiric form. Henry has long, dark hair that rests in waves and falls just above his shoulders. His physical build is muscular.
Henry is charismatic and charming, able to seduce women even without the use of his hypnosis. He is rarely intimidated and isn't afraid to leap head-first into danger, especially if it means protecting Vicki.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Vampirism - Henry is a vampire and as such possesses the traditional abilities of a vampire his age. As a vampire he does not age, regardless of how long he has lived since becoming a vampire, and has the power to become stronger when drinking a humans blood or when it is night.
- Superhuman Strength - As a vampire Henry possesses tremendously enhanced strength, well beyond what any human possesses. His strength seems to be as much as ten to twenty times what a human possesses, however this varies depending on the amount of blood he has consumed. His strength has allowed him to easily overpower a small group of men in seconds.
- Superhuman Speed - Vampires possess the ability to run, move, jump and fight with inhuman quickness, well beyond the capability of any human being. This has allowed Henry to quickly incapacitate his targets, as well as quickly cover the cityscape in brief periods of time. He seems to be able to reach speeds that match certain land vehicles, allowing him to quickly catch-up to his targets.
- Superhuman Senses - As a vampire Henry is shown to be able to catch the scent of blood, and at times be aroused by it. This has granted him immense tracking abilities, he also possesses greater hearing and vision, allowing him to see thermal signatures and hear sounds and conversations from far greater distances.
- Superhuman Stamina - Vampires are able to exert themselves for far longer in a greater physical capacity, this allowing Henry to run, fight and physically exert himself in any physical capacity for long periods of time. He is able to go long periods without sleeping and generally possesses more energy and vitality than human
- Hypnosis - As a vampire Henry has the ability to influence the mind and will of others. This allows him to easily manipulate the human mind, allowing him to sway people's desire and affect their recall of events. It is unknown if he can alter the minds of non human species, however it is presumed that he can only affect the human mind.
- Superhuman Durability - Vampires are far more resilient to trauma and injury, this has allowed Henry to sustain extreme trauma such as gunshots, stabbings, even falls from great heights and show little, if any signs of injury. Few if any injuries that would affect humans actually affect him, usually with only harm from sunlight causing any kind of response from him.
- Regeneration - Vampires are able to heal and recover from their injuries at an incredible rate, this has allowed Henry to instantly heal from a stab wound to his hand. As a vampire Henry is immune to the traditional human weaknesses such as disease and infections, however as a vampire seems to be more susceptible to the effects of fire.
- Immortality - As a vampire Henry is functionally immortal, this has allowed him to live for several centuries without physically ageing or sustaining any blemishes or permanent changes to his physical appearance, still maintaining the physical youth he possessed when he was turned.
- Dark Magic: He also has the ability to tap into dark forces and can cast magic spells with the help of the Grimoire, a demonic bible. This is shown when he was able to track down the Demon who worked for Astaroth, and was also able to send Astaroth back into hell with an incantation.
- Sunlight - Vampires possess an extreme intolerance to sunlight, and as such prolonged exposure will result in their death. As a result, Henry is extremely vulnerable to sunlight.
Henry takes a keen interest in Vicki due to her tenacity and fiery nature, as well as the intriguing fact that she is immune to his hypnosis due to her exceptionally strong will.
He spends most of his free time helping her in her strange supernatural cases and in many instances, has put his own life on the line to save her. Henry wants to seduce her and often flirts with her but is constantly brushed off, despite Vicki wanting to succumb to her desires. Outside of just lust, he deeply cares for Vicki and would like much more than just a fling.
However, he knows she has feelings for Mike Celluci and is constantly, whether he realises or not, competes with him.
She transformed him into a vampire after being seduced by her and due to her siring him, they have a bond that has lasted for hundreds of years. Although their vampire instincts get in the way and they find themselves battling every time they a reunited.
Even though Christina has done unspeakable acts and even almost tried to kill Vicki, he still spared her life and allowed her to roam free. Signalling a love is still there.
Henry and Mike often engage in sly insults and sarcastic banter with each other as they both care for Vicki and know that she cares for them too.
They often engage in "macho" ego contests when they work on a case together. They can however, put aside their difference to form alliances when it comes to Vicki's safety and can trust each other to do the right thing.
Credit to this wiki & this Wikipedia as the source for the information provided on this page.